
  • Conte: "Russia partner imprescindibile per l’Italia"

    Conte: "Russia partner imprescindibile per l’Italia"

    [ad_1] (ANSA/EPA) MOSCA – Il Presidente russo Vladimir Putin e il presidente del Consiglio, Giuseppe Conte, incontrano al Cremlino gli imprenditori. “Mi auguro che lei possa venire in Italia al più presto, manca da troppo…

  • Torna il Titanic, salperà nel 2022

    Torna il Titanic, salperà nel 2022

    [ad_1] ROMA – Torna in mare il Titanic, o almeno la sua esatta replica. Il progetto di costruire una replica della celebre nave passeggeri affondata nell’Atlantico era stato sospeso per problemi finanziari, ma ora e’…

  • How the Soviet 'Concordski' crashed and burned

    How the Soviet 'Concordski' crashed and burned

    [ad_1] When the Soviet rival to the Concorde made its first foreign appearance at the Paris Air Show in 1971, everyone was impressed. In the heated race to develop a supersonic passenger jet, it was…

  • Pacco bomba al Time Warner Center di New York

    Pacco bomba al Time Warner Center di New York

    [ad_1] (Pixabay) Momenti di paura nella Grande Mela per un pacco bomba inviato al Time Warner Center indirizzato a John Brennan, ex numero uno della Cia spesso ospite negli studi della Cnn come commentatore, e…

  • F1 drivers racing like they're in 'rental cars'

    F1 drivers racing like they're in 'rental cars'

    [ad_1] [ad_2] Source link

  • Il simbolo: la storia di un uomo che ha cambiato la storia

    Il simbolo: la storia di un uomo che ha cambiato la storia

    [ad_1] Damiano Leone racconta la sorprendente e drammatica esistenza di Ben Hamir, un uomo vissuto ai tempi di Gesù di Nazareth. La sua storia si apre su una spiaggia di Apollonia da cui il protagonista…

  • A new app can help you stop buying bottled water

    A new app can help you stop buying bottled water

    [ad_1] A new startup called Tap has a bold ambition: convince people to stop buying plastic bottles of water. [ad_2] Source link

  • Metro Roma, collassa scala mobile: 24 feriti

    Metro Roma, collassa scala mobile: 24 feriti

    [ad_1] ROMA – Momenti di paura nella Capitale a causa del cedimento di una scala mobile nella stazione Repubblica della linea A della metro. La struttura ha ceduto parzialmente mentre decine di tifosi del Cska…

  • Ford hires an industry veteran to save its China business

    Ford hires an industry veteran to save its China business

    [ad_1] Ford has hired a new senior executive to turn around its beleaguered business in the world’s biggest auto market. [ad_2] Source link

  • Khashoggi, Bin Salman terrà un discorso pubblico

    Khashoggi, Bin Salman terrà un discorso pubblico

    [ad_1] RIAD Il principe ereditario saudita Mohammed bin Salman terrà in queste ore il suo primo discorso dall’omicidio del critico Jamal Khashoggi. Il principe ereditario dell’Arabia Saudita ha in programma un forum per gli investimenti…

  • Europe's big banks are back in business and beating forecasts

    Europe's big banks are back in business and beating forecasts

    [ad_1] The chief executives of Barclays and Deutsche Bank have both been overhauling their banks. One is already reaping the rewards and the other may do soon. [ad_2] Source link

  • Roma, sedicenne trovata morta drogata e stuprata

    Roma, sedicenne trovata morta drogata e stuprata

    [ad_1] LATINA – Si arricchisce di particolari agghiaccianti il tragico epilogo di Desirèe, la 16enne di Cisterna di Latina trovata morta tra venerdi e sabato scorsi in uno stabile abbandonato nel quartiere romano di San…

  • Rapper Jon James is killed when an airplane stunt for a music video goes wrong

    Rapper Jon James is killed when an airplane stunt for a music video goes wrong

    [ad_1] Jon James, a Canadian rapper, was killed during a music video shoot when a stunt atop an airplane wing went wrong. He was 34. [ad_2] Source link

  • Italia Cinema: "Pupazzi senza gloria"

    Italia Cinema: "Pupazzi senza gloria"

    [ad_1] Parliamo oggi del film dal titolo “Pupazzi senza gloria”, di genere commedia, fantasy, thriller del 2018, diretto da Brian Henson, con Melissa McCarthy e Elizabeth Banks e distribuito da Universal Pictures per Lucky Red.…

  • Meghan's Fiji market trip cut short amid royal tour security concerns

    Meghan's Fiji market trip cut short amid royal tour security concerns

    [ad_1] A trip by the Duchess of Sussex to a market in the Fijian capital of Suva was cut short Wednesday after large crowds were deemed to present a “security risk,” according to Australian media…

  • 100 anni fa, il Piave mormorò per l’Italia

    100 anni fa, il Piave mormorò per l’Italia

    [ad_1] di NICOLA ZUCCARO – Il 24 ottobre 1918, esattamente ad 1 anno di distanza dal crollo del fronte italiano in quel di Caporetto, iniziò la nuova e decisiva offensiva dell’Esercito italiano con lo sfondamento…

  • Cristiano Ronaldo shines as Juventus outclasses Manchester United

    Cristiano Ronaldo shines as Juventus outclasses Manchester United

    [ad_1] Cristiano Ronaldo was the last player to leave the Old Trafford pitch, serenaded as he made his way to the tunnel by the Manchester United fans who had remained with a rendition of “Viva…

  • Salvini: "Siamo qua per lavorare e migliorare la vita degli italiani"

    Salvini: "Siamo qua per lavorare e migliorare la vita degli italiani"

    [ad_1] “Noi siamo qua per lavorare e migliorare la vita degli italiani, non vogliamo litigare con nessuno. Quello della commissione alla manovra è un attacco pregiudiziale: la contestazione principale è che non bisogna toccare la…

  • 20 injured in Rome after escalator loses control

    20 injured in Rome after escalator loses control

    [ad_1] Twenty people have been injured after an escalator malfunctioned and rapidly sped downward at a Rome metro station, leaving passengers in a jumble at the bottom, Italian officials say. [ad_2] Source link

  • Istat: "A settembre 2018 in calo export extra Ue"

    Istat: "A settembre 2018 in calo export extra Ue"

    [ad_1] “A settembre 2018” si legge in una nota dei dati Istat “si stima, per i flussi commerciali da e verso i paesi extra Ue, un calo congiunturale per le esportazioni (-3,7%) e un aumento…

  • Saudi Crown Prince to make first public speech since Khashoggi crisis

    Saudi Crown Prince to make first public speech since Khashoggi crisis

    [ad_1] Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will take part in a panel at Riyadh’s showcase investment conference on Wednesday, a senior organizer told CNN, hours after Saudi officials offered more details of the events…

  • Italia Libri: "The Outsider" di Stephen King

    Italia Libri: "The Outsider" di Stephen King

    [ad_1] Parliamo oggi del libro dal titolo “The Outsider” di Stephen King, uscito nel 2018 ed edito da Sperling & Kupfer. Questa la trama del libro: la sera del 10 luglio, davanti al poliziotto che…

  • Campbell Soup disavows Soros conspiracy theory tweeted by VP

    Campbell Soup disavows Soros conspiracy theory tweeted by VP

    [ad_1] Campbell Soup has disavowed claims made by a company lobbyist that George Soros’ foundation is assisting a caravan of migrants bound for the United States. [ad_2] Source link

  • Pakistan secures $6B Saudi loan amid Khashoggi murder outrage

    Pakistan secures $6B Saudi loan amid Khashoggi murder outrage

    [ad_1] Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has secured $6 billion in financial support from Saudi Arabia as Riyadh reels from international outrage over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. [ad_2] Source link

  • Turkish President addresses Khashoggi murder

    Turkish President addresses Khashoggi murder

    [ad_1] Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan describes the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. [ad_2] Source link

  • Khashoggi was victim of 'ferocious' pre-planned murder, Erdogan says

    Khashoggi was victim of 'ferocious' pre-planned murder, Erdogan says

    [ad_1] Jamal Khashoggi died as a result of a brutal premeditated murder, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday, in a highly anticipated speech in which he soundly rejected Saudi Arabia’s claim that the…

  • GOP senator says MBS should be removed from line of succession if implicated

    GOP senator says MBS should be removed from line of succession if implicated

    [ad_1] Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio said Tuesday that if the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is implicated in the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, he should be removed from his country’s line…

  • Trump accuses Saudis of 'the worst cover-up ever'

    Trump accuses Saudis of 'the worst cover-up ever'

    [ad_1] President Trump accused the Saudis of the worst cover-up, following the killing of Washington Post Journalist Jamal Khashoggi. CNN’s Philip Mudd and Clarissa Ward discuss. [ad_2] Source link

  • Trump condemns Saudi journalist's killing

    Trump condemns Saudi journalist's killing

    [ad_1] President Donald Trump offered his most stinging indictment yet of a Saudi effort to silence a dissident journalist, calling the series of events that led to Jamal Khashoggi’s death “the worst cover up ever.”…

  • Dyson will build its electric cars in Singapore

    Dyson will build its electric cars in Singapore

    [ad_1] Dyson has announced plans to build electric cars at a new factory in Singapore that will be operational by 2020. [ad_2] Source link


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