
  • Coronavirus: nel mondo 370 mila vittime. In aumento negli Usa

    Coronavirus: nel mondo 370 mila vittime. In aumento negli Usa

    ROMA – Sono stati superati nel mondo 4,5 milioni di casi e i 307 mila morti per coronavirus. Sono le stime aggiornate della Johns Hopkins University. Finora i positivi al Covid-19 sono stati 4.543.297 mentre i…

  • Covid: volunteers of Hayat Eli Association help Governor Abdullah Erin

    Covid: volunteers of Hayat Eli Association help Governor Abdullah Erin

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – According to the statement made by the Governorship of Şanlıurfa, 20 volunteers of the Turkish and Syrian members of Hayat Eli Association, where volunteers who want to support unity and solidarity,…

  • Covid-19, in Brasile 14mila nuovi casi: superata quota 200mila

    Covid-19, in Brasile 14mila nuovi casi: superata quota 200mila

    SAN PAOLO – Il Coronavirus continua a diffondersi nel Brasile, che ha registrato 13.944 casi nelle ultime 24 ore, il più alto numero giornaliero dall’inizio della pandemia, che porta a 202.918 il totale dei contagi.…

  • Covid-19, UN: conflicts in Libya a great threat

    Covid-19, UN: conflicts in Libya a great threat

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – The United Nations (UN) warned that despite the new type of coronavirus epidemic and calls for ceasefire in Libya, clashes continue and the health and safety of the entire country is…

  • Covid-19: record nuovi contagi in Brasile

    Covid-19: record nuovi contagi in Brasile

    SAN PAOLO – Esplode l’epidemia di Covid-19 nelle ultime 24 ore in Brasile: 11.385, per un totale di 188.974. Si tratta della cifra piu’ alta fatta registrare nel Paese dall’inizio della pandemia, secondo il ministero…

  • Coronavirus: 290mila vittime nel mondo. Usa, 1.900 morti in 24 ore

    Coronavirus: 290mila vittime nel mondo. Usa, 1.900 morti in 24 ore

    Il numero di morti per il coronavirus nel mondo supera la soglia di 290.000, secondo il conteggio della Johns Hopkins University. Il numero esatto delle vittime è 290.838. Il Paese che conta più morti sono…

  • Future Saudi King MBS – Atatürk, Deng Xiaoping or new Stalin?

    Future Saudi King MBS – Atatürk, Deng Xiaoping or new Stalin?

    (Reuters) The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is going through the most difficult and sensitive period in its 250-years long history, which was brought about by the drop of oil prices on the global stock…

  • Covid-19, Turkey: transition to ‘controlled social life’

    Covid-19, Turkey: transition to ‘controlled social life’

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – The first big steps to transition to controlled social life will be taken today. Within the scope of coronavirus measures, barber, hairdresser, beauty salon, shopping malls and businesses selling products such…

  • Coronavirus: nuovo caso a Wuhan

    Coronavirus: nuovo caso a Wuhan

    (epa) PECHINO – Il Covid-19 torna a Wuhan, la città cinese epicentro della pandemia che finora ha fatto 279.329 morti in tutto il mondo. Le autorità locali hanno rilevato il primo caso di contagio dal…

  • Contagi nel mondo superano i 4 mln

    Contagi nel mondo superano i 4 mln

    Supera 4 milioni il numero delle persone contagiate dal coronavirus nel mondo. Tre quarti dei casi sono stati registrati tra Europa e Stati Uniti. E’ quanto emerge da un conteggio dell’ Afp sulla base di dati forniti da fonti ufficiali.…

  • Covid-19, Bolsonaro choc: grigliata per 3mila

    Covid-19, Bolsonaro choc: grigliata per 3mila

    (Getty) BRASILIA – Ironizza nuovamente sul distanziamento sociale il presidente brasiliano Jair Bolsonaro, sostenendo che oggi pomeriggio farà una grigliata nel palazzo dell’Alvorada, a Brasilia. “Ho invitato 1.300 persone, ma se saranno di più le…

  • UN: Kovid-19 is expected to peak in the poorest countries for up to 3-6 months

    UN: Kovid-19 is expected to peak in the poorest countries for up to 3-6 months

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – The United Nations reported that the Kovid-19 outbreak is expected to reach its peak in the world’s poorest countries for up to 3 to 6 months. The United Nations (UN) has…

  • Covid-19: 340 Turkish citizens in Kuwait brought to Ankara

    Covid-19: 340 Turkish citizens in Kuwait brought to Ankara

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – 340 Turkish citizens in Kuwait were brought to Ankara on a THY plane. 340 Turkish citizens in Kuwait, a new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) were placed in the context of measures…

  • Turkey: Cappadocia ‘demolished illegal structures located’

    Turkey: Cappadocia ‘demolished illegal structures located’

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – Turkey Cappadocia ‘demolished illegal structures located. Environment and Urbanization Minister Murat Kurum, “We have destroyed all illegal buildings in Cappadocia by cooperating with our governorship and municipality.” said. Turkey Environment and…

  • Covid-19: cases and loss of lifes are increasing in African countries

    Covid-19: cases and loss of lifes are increasing in African countries

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – The number of people who died due to the new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) was 470 in Algeria, 452 in Egypt, 180 in Morocco, 45 in Sudan, 38 in Somalia, 32…

  • Emirati arabi: grattacielo va a fuoco

    Emirati arabi: grattacielo va a fuoco

    Attimi di paura nell’Emirato di Sharjah, dove almeno sette persone sono rimaste lievemente ferite a causa di un incendio scoppiato ieri sera in un grattacielo di 48 piani.A riportarlo abc News, secondo cui si tratta…

  • Covid-19, Turkey: Ue sends video message

    Covid-19, Turkey: Ue sends video message

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the European Union (EU) Commission held under the leadership of “coronavirus Global Response International Commitment Event” has sent a video message. Expressing that he could not…

  • Corea del Sud: zero contagi interni

    Corea del Sud: zero contagi interni

    SEUL – La Corea del Sud saluta il Covid-19 registrando ieri zero nuovi casi interni per il secondo giorno di fila e solo tre importati che, nel complesso, rappresentano i minimi dai due contagi accertati…

  • Covid-19, Turkey: Erdogan helps Somalia

    Covid-19, Turkey: Erdogan helps Somalia

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Somali President Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed Farmajo, Turkey’s Somalia medicine ingredients together and sent letters with the help of breathing apparatus. According to the statement made by…

  • Covid-19, Yemen: warning from the World Health Organization (WHO

    Covid-19, Yemen: warning from the World Health Organization (WHO

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – Coronavirus warning in Yemen from the World Health Organization (WHO) “The Yemeni health system continues to suffer from the lack of overworkers, weakness and vulnerability,” the WHO Yemen Office said in…

  • Coronavirus: 3,5 milioni di casi al mondo

    Coronavirus: 3,5 milioni di casi al mondo

    (Pixabay) MILANO – Superano i 3,5 milioni i casi di coronavirus dichiarati in tutto il mondo, tre quarti dei quali in Europa e Stati Uniti. A renderlo noto l’agenzia di stampa francese Afp, che cita…

  • Saudi Arabia: big cuts for Coronavirus

    Saudi Arabia: big cuts for Coronavirus

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – Saudi Arabia is making a big cut in its spending due to coronavirus. It has been reported that strict measures will be taken to reduce expenditures in response to the decrease…

  • Kim non sarebbe stato operato

    Kim non sarebbe stato operato

    SEUL – Pare non sia stato sottoposto ad alcun intervento chirurgico Kim Jong-un: a riferirlo un funzionario della Presidenza sudcoreana in forma anonima alla Yonhap, sulle immagini diffuse ieri dalla Kctv, la tv statale della…

  • Kim Jong-Un riappare in pubblico dopo 20 giorni

    Kim Jong-Un riappare in pubblico dopo 20 giorni

    PYONGYANG – Riappare vivo e vegeto il leader nordcoreano Kim Jong-un dopo settimane di speculazioni sul suo stato di salute. Il leader nordcoreano ha fatto la sua comparsa dopo tre settimane di speculazioni sul suo…

  • Selfie da ‘brivido’ per celebrare la fine del lockdown con una foto sulla scogliera: donna cade e muore

    Selfie da ‘brivido’ per celebrare la fine del lockdown con una foto sulla scogliera: donna cade e muore

    ADALIA – Protagonista della vicenda una donna di 31 anni che voleva festeggiare la fine del lockdown con una foto su una scogliera del parco di Duden, in Turchia, ma è scivolata, caduta da un’altezza…

  • Pentagon from Turkey to Medical Assistance Thanks

    Pentagon from Turkey to Medical Assistance Thanks

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – European and NATO Policy, US Department of Defense Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Ryan, a new type of coronavirus (Kovid-19) within the scope of the fight against the epidemic thanked the medical…

  • Covid-19, Turkey: Albayrak about the expectations of the markets

    Covid-19, Turkey: Albayrak about the expectations of the markets

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, Turkey ‘s chairmanship of the Financial Stability and Development Committee 15th meeting was held by video conference. Speaking at the meeting, Minister Albayrak stated that…

  • Iran: alcohol poisoning has increased 10 times

    Iran: alcohol poisoning has increased 10 times

    di OZGE YILIDIRIM – According to a government report published in April, alcohol poisoning has increased 10 times in Iran last year. Methanol cannot be smelled or tasted in beverages. It causes delayed organ and…

  • Tuirkey: continues decrease in the number of tests needed

    Tuirkey: continues decrease in the number of tests needed

    di OZGE YILIDIRM – Turkey announced daily corona virus table. Minister of Health of Turkey who share the Twitter account Fahrettin husband, said that the highest number of patients recovered within a day is reached.…

  • 105 Turks were stuck for their friends

    105 Turks were stuck for their friends

    by OZGE YILDIRIM – After the Corona virus epidemic, 60 thousand of our citizens were brought to the country. However, 105 Turkish citizens from different countries could not return home because they did not want…


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