China says missing actress fined for tax evasion
[ad_1] Chinese actress Fan Bingbing has been fined for tax evasion, state media reported Wednesday, the first public pronouncement about the star since she mysteriously disappeared from public view in June. [ad_2] Source link
Police probe Meng Hongwei's disappearance
[ad_1] The Chinese president of Interpol, the international police agency, has vanished. Meng was not on French soil when he was last seen, according a senior French law enforcement official, who declined to say whether…
Official's wife said she had not heard from him for 10 days
[ad_1] The Chinese president of Interpol, the international police agency, has vanished. [ad_2] Source link
The average bitcoin investor is young, rich and male
[ad_1] A recent survey of bitcoin investors shows that many of the cryptocurrency’s biggest backers are Millennial men living in cities who make more than $75,000 a year. [ad_2] Source link
Russia denies western accusations of attacks
[ad_1] The Dutch government accused Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU, of targeting the world’s chemical weapons watchdog. The Netherlands join the UK and other Western nations criticizing Russia’s military intelligence agency for carrying out…
Russian spies are outed, but will heads roll in Moscow?
[ad_1] It looked like a spy agency’s worst nightmare: The unmasking of several agents, and the disclosure of sloppy tradecraft in what appeared to be a bungled intelligence operation. [ad_2] Source link
Unilever kills plan to move its HQ out of the UK
[ad_1] Unilever has given up on a plan to move its headquarters out of the United Kingdom. [ad_2] Source link
India's currency crashes to another record low
[ad_1] India’s currency resumed its headlong plunge on Friday, stoking concerns that the world’s fastest-growing major economy could be heading for a slowdown. [ad_2] Source link
Conte: "Ci sono risorse sufficienti per le riforme"
[ad_1] “Ci sono risorse sufficienti per fare il reddito di cittadinanza, riforma della Fornero e semplificazione fiscale, tutte a pieno regime. Sono riforme che non appartengono all’una o all’altra forza politica, ho aderito a un…
A supermarket is offering to deliver groceries to your fridge while you're out
[ad_1] Want your groceries delivered while you’re away from home? No problem. [ad_2] Source link
Berlusconi: "Il reddito di cittadinanza è un gran buco nero nel bilancio dello Stato"
[ad_1] “Il reddito di cittadinanza non è una misura che possa portare all’eliminazione della povertà come dice chi la propone, ma soltanto un gran buco nero nel bilancio dello Stato” ha dichiarato il leader di…
Criminal probe launched into UK body parts scandal
[ad_1] A criminal probe has begun after hundreds of tons of human body parts and medical waste were allowed to build up at UK disposal sites. [ad_2] Source link
Istat: "Ad agosto 2018 vendite al dettaglio +2,2% annuo"
[ad_1] “Ad agosto 2018” si legge in una nota dell’Istat “si stima che le vendite al dettaglio siano aumentate, rispetto al mese precedente, dello 0,7% sia in valore sia in volume. La variazione positiva riguarda…
China says Pence's allegations of meddling came 'out of thin air'
[ad_1] China accused US Vice President Mike Pence of slandering the country with “baseless” allegations Friday, after he delivered a scathing speech in Washington claiming Beijing was trying to covertly influence US politics for its…
Toyota: maxi-richiamo di 2,4 milioni di auto ibride in tutto il mondo
[ad_1] ROMA – Maxi-richiamo per la casa automobilistica giapponese Toyota di 2,43 milioni di auto con motorizzazione ibrida in tutto il mondo. Il richiamo è avvenuto a causa di un problema di funzionamento che può…
How we all got caught in the crossfire of a US-Russia cyberwar
[ad_1] An online war is being waged all around us — and citizens are caught in its crossfire. [ad_2] Source link
Maltempo: mamma e figlioletto morti nel Lametino
[ad_1] LAMEZIA TERME – Dramma nel Lametino per una famiglia. I corpi della mamma e di suo figlio di 7 anni, dispersi a Lamezia Terme a seguito dell’ondata di maltempo, sono stati rinvenuti ad una…
Wild luxury of American's opulent Hearst Castle
[ad_1] Perched atop a California hill more than a quarter mile above the Pacific Ocean, halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles, Hearst Castle is a stunning tribute to the incredible wealth of one of…
Amianto. Bonaccini: "Parte il lavoro congiunto tra Regioni, Anci e Sindacati"
[ad_1] ROMA. “Oggi abbiamo avuto un primo confronto con Cgil, Cisl e Uil che ci hanno posto la necessità di un lavoro comune sul tema dell’amianto” ha dichiarato il presidente della Conferenza delle Regioni Stefano…
Two leading campaigners against wartime sexual violence share Nobel Peace Prize
[ad_1] The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict. [ad_2] Source…
Italia Cinema: da giovedì 11 ottobre nelle sale arriva il film "La fuitina sbagliata" dei Soldi Spicci
[ad_1] Novità nelle sale cinematografiche italiane: uscirà l’11 ottobre il primo film del duo comico palermitano i Soldi Spicci dal titolo “La fuitina sbagliata”. Per quel che riguarda la pellicola, è stata scritta dal duo…
Ronaldo sponsors express 'concern' over rape claim
[ad_1] Nike has said it is “deeply concerned” by the rape allegation against Cristiano Ronaldo, the Juventus star who has a reported $1 billion endorsement deal with the US sportswear giant. [ad_2] Source link
Bergamo, professore massacrato con un’accetta e carbonizzato
[ad_1] BERGAMO – È ancora un giallo l’omicidio di Cosimo Errico, 58 anni, di Bergamo, insegnante all’istituto Natta. Il docente è stato massacrato con un’accetta e poi parzialmente bruciato nel tentativo di nascondere le tracce…
America's coolest city?
[ad_1] Rewind to 1971, when Seattle was an isolated backwater. Boeing, the area’s largest employer at the time, had sliced 60,000 jobs and the unemployment rate skyrocketed to 13%. A now iconic billboard appeared near…
Sila, cane-eroe salva 2 cercatori di funghi
[ad_1] REGGIO CALABRIA – Provvidenziale salvataggio da parte di un cane dell’unità cinofila del Soccorso alpino calabrese di due cercatori di funghi di 47 e 42 anni che sono stati tratti in salvo sulle montagne…
Manovra, Di Maio: "Ires calerà se investi e assumi"
[ad_1] ROMA – “L’Ires con questa legge di bilancio calerà se investi e assumi. E poi ci sarà l’Ires verde: meno inquini, meno paghi. E infine per le partite Iva, soprattutto per i giovani, le…
What will Versace look like under Michael Kors?
[ad_1] It was announced yesterday that American fashion brand Michael Kors had snapped up famed label Versace for $2.1 billion, taking over one of the last independent Italian brands in an effort to build an…
Workplace sexual harassment claims have spiked in the #MeToo era
[ad_1] The number of workplace sexual harassment claims filed with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has spiked in the year since the #MeToo movement took off. [ad_2] Source link
Time puts Christine Blasey Ford on the cover
[ad_1] Christine Blasey Ford is on the cover of this week’s Time magazine. But it’s not a photograph of Ford; it’s an illustration of the words and phrases from her testimony arranged into a striking…