Police injured in G20 protests as Merkel seeks policy consensus
[ad_1] By Joseph Nasr and Andreas Rinke | HAMBURG HAMBURG Protesters threw bottles and torched cars, injuring seven police officers, before a G20 summit in Hamburg on Thursday, tarnishing the start of a meeting Chancellor…
Islamic State makes desperate stand in Mosul, commanders say
[ad_1] MOSUL, Iraq Islamic State fighters holding out in Mosul on a strip of land along the Tigris River are increasingly using suicide bombers in a desperate attempt to slow the steady advance of Iraqi…
'Welcome to hell' – protesters vow to disrupt G20 summit
[ad_1] HAMBURG “Welcome to Hell”. That’s the greeting for U.S. President Donald Trump and other world leaders from anti-capitalist protesters in Hamburg who aim to disrupt the G20 summit, already rife with tensions over trade…
China urges calm after U.S. says ready to use force against North Korea
[ad_1] BEIJING China’s foreign ministry on Thursday called for all sides to remain calm and exercise restraint after the United States said it was ready to use force, if need be, to halt North Korea’s…
Ahead of G20 summit, Putin calls sanctions 'covert form' of protectionism
[ad_1] BERLIN Russia is in favor of an open and rules-based trade order to boost global growth, and sanctions imposed against Moscow are a “covert form” of protectionism, President Vladimir Putin was quoted as saying…
Exclusive: Kurdish YPG militia expects conflict with Turkey in northern Syria
[ad_1] By Rodi Said and Dominic Evans | QAMISHLI, Syria/ANKARA QAMISHLI, Syria/ANKARA The head of the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia said on Wednesday that Turkish military deployments near Kurdish-held areas of northwestern Syria amounted to…
Venezuelan copter attacker vows to fight on; lawmakers beaten
[ad_1] By Diego Oré and Silene Ramírez | CARACAS CARACAS The Venezuelan police officer who staged a helicopter attack on government buildings in Caracas last week appeared in an internet video on Wednesday vowing to…
Turkey says it's not 'declaring war' in Syria, but ready to respond
[ad_1] ANKARA Turkish military preparations in northwest Syria are legitimate measures against a threat from Kurdish forces in the Afrin region, and Turkey will retaliate against any hostile move, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told…
Before G20, Erdogan accuses Germany of 'committing suicide': Zeit
[ad_1] BERLIN Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying that Germany was “committing suicide” by not letting him speak to Turks in Germany during his visit to the country for a G20 leaders summit,…
Tensioni tra Usa e Nord Corea, Seul lancia missili in risposta a Pyongyang
[ad_1] di MARIAGRAZIA DI RAIMONDO – All’indomani del lancio del missile “intercontinentale”, la Corea del Nord ha fatto sapere che non rinuncerà ai test e continuerà a lavorare sui “pacchi regalo” per gli Usa. Secondo…
New Hong Kong leader strikes conciliatory tone in first week in office
[ad_1] By Venus Wu and Donny Kwok | HONG KONG HONG KONG New Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam struck a conciliatory tone on Wednesday and vowed to improve ties with the legislature, but she suggested…
Take Two for Trump in talks with unnerved European allies
[ad_1] By Roberta Rampton and Jeff Mason | WASHINGTON WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump will get a chance to patch up trans-Atlantic ties this week when he meets with NATO allies still rattled by his…
Israeli opposition leader Herzog ousted as head of Labour Party
[ad_1] JERUSALEM Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog lost his bid for re-election to head the center-left Labour Party on Tuesday and the position will be filled by one of two other candidates who will contest…
Brazil's Temer boosts infrastructure spending as graft scandal deepens
[ad_1] By Ricardo Brito | BRASILIA BRASILIA Brazil’s government has sharply increased spending in local infrastructure projects proposed by lawmakers, according to budget data reviewed by Reuters on Tuesday, as a graft scandal threatens to…
Incontro Russia-Cina, un’alleanza indiscussa
[ad_1] di MARIAGRAZIA DI RAIMONDO – Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha incontrato oggi, al Cremlino, il Presidente della Cina Xi Jinping. Putin si è subito dimostrato aperto e disponibile al dialogo, mentre Xi Jinping…
Venezuela's dissident state prosecutor expects to be fired Tuesday
[ad_1] CARACAS Venezuela’s dissident state prosecutor, Luisa Ortega, said she expected to be fired later on Tuesday after alleging human rights violations and decrying erosion of democracy under President Nicolas Maduro. Ortega, the main challenger…
Saudi Arabian Airlines expects U.S. laptop ban to be lifted by July 19: SPA
[ad_1] DUBAI Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) expects the in-cabin ban on laptops and other large electronics on direct flights to the United States to be lifted by July 19, state news agency SPA reported on…
La Corea del Nord ci riprova, altri test missilistici verso il Giappone e Usa
[ad_1] di MARIAGRAZIA DI RAIMONDO – La tensione tra Corea del Nord e Stati Uniti cresce sempre di più, anche se è il Giappone a sentirsi minacciato. Il governo nordcoreano ha testato un altro missile…
Maldives president loses parliamentary majority after lawmakers defect
[ad_1] Maldives President Abdulla Yameen lost his majority in parliament after opposition lawmakers defected and launched a new attempt to unseat an ally accused of ignoring allegations of corruption, mismanagement and rights abuses, officials said.…
North Korea fires ballistic missile ahead of G20 summit
[ad_1] SEOUL North Korea launched a ballistic missile from its western region into the sea off its east coast on Tuesday, South Korea’s military said, ahead of a summit of leaders from the Group of…
Brazil president Temer says corruption charge against him 'weak'
[ad_1] SAO PAULO Brazilian President Michel Temer said on Monday he is confident Congress will support him and vote to block a corruption charge leveled against him by prosecutor-general Rodrigo Janot. In a radio interview,…
Britain's Javid welcomes resignation of borough leader after fatal fire
[ad_1] LONDON Britain’s communities minister welcomed the resignation of the council leader in the London borough where a fire killed at least 80 people, saying on Monday he would work with the local leader’s replacement.…
Islamic State cornered in Mosul as Iraq prepares victory celebrations
[ad_1] By Stephen Kalin | MOSUL, Iraq MOSUL, Iraq Islamic State fighters were battling to hold on to the last few streets under their control in the Old City of Mosul on Monday, in what…
Incidente sull’A9 in Germania: pullman in fiamme e 18 dispersi
[ad_1] di ILEANA CIRULLI – Questa mattina sull’A9 un pullman turistico ha speronato un camion che lo precedeva e, nell’impatto, ha preso fuoco. I passeggeri presenti sul mezzo di trasporto erano 48, compresi due autisti,…
USA: Trump VS CNN, il presidente mette ‘ko’ le fake news
[ad_1] di BEATRICE GALLUZZO – Domenica mattina sul profilo Twitter ufficiale del quarantacinquesimo Presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America, Mister Donald J.Trump, che al momento conta un numero di followers che si attesta sui 33 milioni,…
Suicide bomber dressed as woman kills 14 in Iraqi displacement camp
[ad_1] BAGHDAD A suicide bomber dressed as a veiled woman killed 14 people and wounded 13 others in a displacement camp west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Sunday, security sources said. Islamic State militants,…
U.S. warship in operation near disputed island in South China Sea
[ad_1] WASHINGTON A U.S. warship sailed near a disputed island in the South China Sea claimed by China, Taiwan and Vietnam on Sunday in an operation meant to challenge the competing claims of all three…
Trump, Abe confirm will increase pressure on North Korea: Japan government
[ad_1] TOKYO U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe confirmed in phone talks that they would step up pressure on North Korea in cooperation with South Korea, a Japanese government spokesman said…
Iraqis prepare to celebrate Mosul victory blocks away from raging battles
[ad_1] By Khaled al-Ramahi and Stephen Kalin | MOSUL/ERBIL, Iraq MOSUL/ERBIL, Iraq Iraqis prepared on Sunday to celebrate an expected victory over Islamic State in Mosul, just blocks away from battles raging in the last…
Gulf deadline to resolve Qatar rift approaches
[ad_1] By Sylvia Westall and Tom Finn | DUBAI/DOHA DUBAI/DOHA Qatar faces possible further sanctions by Arab states that have severed ties with Doha over allegations of links to terrorism, as a deadline to accept…