July 2020

  • Agrigento, 120 migrants flee the overcrowded center

    Agrigento, 120 migrants flee the overcrowded center

    AGRIGENTO – The tensile structure for the reception of asylum seekers, set up on the dock of the pier of Porto Empedocle , could contain one hundred migrants : it hosts at least 500 .…

  • Spagna, si teme imminente ‘seconda ondata’ di contagi

    Spagna, si teme imminente ‘seconda ondata’ di contagi

    MADRID – I numeri nel paese da alcuni giorni sono peggiorati. Sono attivi parecchi focolai, specialmente in Catalogna. La paura che la situazione sfugga ulteriormente di mano e che si debbano attuare di nuovo misure…

  • Juventus is the champion of Italy

    Juventus is the champion of Italy

    TURIN – The Old Lady wins her 36th Serie A championship (the ninth in a row). Sampdoria beaten by 2 to 0 with goals by Ronaldo and Bernardeschi. For the coach Maurizio Sarri it is…

  • Migrants fleeing Cara Nisseno, tracked down in 118

    Migrants fleeing Cara Nisseno, tracked down in 118

    CALTANISSETTA – The 118 migrants out of a total of 184 who had left the facility yesterday were tracked down and taken back to Cara di Pian del Lago di Caltanissetta. Migrants were forced to…

  • Alex Zanardi still hospitalized

    Alex Zanardi still hospitalized

    Alex Zanardi still hospitalized MILAN – The former F1 champion and Paralympic champion is hospitalized at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan . No bulletin has been released, but some good news comes out. However,…

  • Covid-19: third consecutive day without deaths in Lombardy

    Covid-19: third consecutive day without deaths in Lombardy

    MILAN – The latest data released by the Lombardy region show that 74 other people have contracted Coronavirus. However, there are positive signs that lead to hope and optimism, comments the councilor for Welfare Gallera.

  • Two boats in difficulty in the Mediterranean: 140 people on board

    Two boats in difficulty in the Mediterranean: 140 people on board

    “We are dying”. The NGO Alarm phone, which launched the alarm, reported the rumors. The two boats are located in the Maltese sar, but the Valletta authorities would not have responded to the request for…

  • Gli Champs-Elysèes ‘invasi’ dai monopattini

    Gli Champs-Elysèes ‘invasi’ dai monopattini

    PARIGI – Uno dei luoghi simbolo di Parigi ‘assaltato’ da un’orda di monopattini. Un flash-mob o un’iniziativa goliardica, ma la reazione di molti e della stessa sindaca Anne Hidalgo non è stata molto leggera. La prima cittadina ha minacciato di bandire…

  • Lazio, positive for Covid, travels by train and bus

    Lazio, positive for Covid, travels by train and bus

    ROME – A 46-year-old violated the quarantine and left Rome for the coast. Health authorities know by trying to reconstruct their movements. The dedicated regional toll-free number is available.

  • Boy died in the well in Gorizia: 14 people investigated

    Boy died in the well in Gorizia: 14 people investigated

    GORIZIA – Little Stefano, 12 years old, lost his life by falling into a well 30 meters deep in a park. The prosecutor of the Friulian city is investigating to shed light on the tragedy…

  • Covid-19 outbreaks active in Italy

    Covid-19 outbreaks active in Italy

    (Pixabay) ROME – From North to South, the virus continues to cause concern for the emergence of new clusters, including Trento, Bologna, Capri, Catania. Many of the new cases come from abroad, but the infections…

  • Zanardi returns to intensive care: “unstable conditions”

    Zanardi returns to intensive care: “unstable conditions”

    LECCO – The former F1 driver had been transferred to the center of Villa Beretta, in Lecco, after the gradual reduction in sedation. Hospitalization at San Raffaele in Milan was decided following “the instability of…

  • The memorial day for Covid victims is law

    The memorial day for Covid victims is law

    ROME – Parliament practically unanimously voted to set up the day to remember coronavirus victims. The date was chosen at a delicate moment that Italians will hardly forget.

  • Cruise ships ready to sail, the first discounted tickets are sold

    Cruise ships ready to sail, the first discounted tickets are sold

    From 11 to 31 August only the Lagoon could host up to 80 thousand people including cruise passengers and crews. However, final government authorization has yet to come. Controversy among unions over the risks related…

  • Ocean Viking kidnapped

    Ocean Viking kidnapped

    AGRIGENTO – Following an inspection on the ship of the NGO Sos Mediterranée, several irregularities and some violations of the regulations to protect the marine environment were found. Ocean Viking has been in Porto Empedocle…

  • MSC: “Ready to go, let’s wait for the government’s ok”

    MSC: “Ready to go, let’s wait for the government’s ok”

    MILAN – “MSC Cruises is ready to start again, we are only waiting for the government authorization that we hope will arrive soon”. Leonardo Massa, managing director Italy of MSC Cruises relaunches the ball to…

  • Scala il Cervino ad 11 anni

    Scala il Cervino ad 11 anni

    Si chiama Jules, è scozzese e un paio di settimane fa è salito sulla vetta alpina, una delle più impervie d’Europa. Ad accompagnarlo il padre Chris. L’età del ragazzo fa parlare di record, ma c’è…

  • Conte brings the extension of the state of emergency to Parliament

    Conte brings the extension of the state of emergency to Parliament

    (credits: Governo.it) ROME – Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will have the Chamber decide whether to extend the particular legal structure currently in force. With the state of emergency, in fact, the government can act more…

  • Squalo mako avvistato dalla spiaggia: bagnini ordinano ai bagnanti di uscire dall’acqua

    Squalo mako avvistato dalla spiaggia: bagnini ordinano ai bagnanti di uscire dall’acqua

    ZAHARA DE LOS ATUNES – Terrore in spiaggia per uno squalo mako di circa 2 metri avvistato in mare. Lo squalo di grosse dimensioni, è stato avvistato dai “baywatch” locali su una moto d’acqua. L’avvistamento…

  • Carabinieri barracks seized: seven soldiers arrested for drug dealing, extortion and torture

    Carabinieri barracks seized: seven soldiers arrested for drug dealing, extortion and torture

    (credits: Guardia di Finanza) PIACENZA – For the first time in the history of Italy, a Carabinieri barracks in Piacenza was seized and at least seven soldiers were arrested, some in prison and others under…

  • A corpse and 120 migrants drifting in the Mediterranean

    A corpse and 120 migrants drifting in the Mediterranean

    ROME – The NGO Alarm Phone launched the new alarm: immediate intervention was requested from the Italian and Maltese authorities. In addition to the body there would be a dinghy ready to deflate: over 20…

  • Trump: “Indossate la mascherina”

    Trump: “Indossate la mascherina”

    (ANSA) WASHINGTON – Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha sempre minimizzato l’importanza di questi dispositivi e rifiutato di usarli, anche quando era in pubblico. Negli ultimi giorni, però, ha cambiato idea. Oltreoceano i casi sono in aumento;…

  • Nave cargo perde 23 container: incidente vicino al porto di Nqgura in Sudafrica

    Nave cargo perde 23 container: incidente vicino al porto di Nqgura in Sudafrica

    NQGURA – La nave cargo MSC Palak ha perso 23 contenitori mentre si trovava vicino al porto di Nqgura (Coega) il 14 luglio. La portacontainer ship, costruita nel 2016, ha lasciato lo scalo sudafricano ed…

  • Alex Zanardi transferred to a rehabilitation center

    Alex Zanardi transferred to a rehabilitation center

    SIENA – Former Formula 1 ace Alex Zanardi has been discharged from the Policlinico di Siena in these hours to be transferred to a neurorehabilitation facility. A little more than a month ago the accident…

  • Elon Musk senza confini: è il quinto uomo più ricco al mondo

    Elon Musk senza confini: è il quinto uomo più ricco al mondo

    Il patrimonio del fondatore della Tesla è salito a 74 miliardi di dollari. La casa automobilistica è da poco diventata quella con maggiore valore al mondo. Ma il successo del 49enne è dovuto anche alle missioni verso lo spazio della…

  • EU aid: agreement on Recovery Fund signed

    EU aid: agreement on Recovery Fund signed

    (credits: Governo.it) BRUSSELS – After another long night of negotiations, the 27 heads of state and government of the EU countries have reached an agreement on the economic recovery plan. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte comments:…

  • Monito del Presidente del PE ai Paesi membri: pronti a non dare il consenso

    Monito del Presidente del PE ai Paesi membri: pronti a non dare il consenso

    PIERO CHIMENTI –  Il Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, David Sassoli, in questi giorni infuocati dove i Paesi dell’unione discutono sugli aiuti Ue dati dal Recovery Fund, lancia un monito ai loro leader: “Il Parlamento Ue ha…

  • Oxford-Pomezia vaccine, progress on the 56th day of testing

    Oxford-Pomezia vaccine, progress on the 56th day of testing

    (ANSA) POMEZIA – According to the prestigious Lancet magazine, there would be progress on the 56th day of testing the Covid-19 vaccine. These are first good indications but it is too early to draw conclusions,…

  • Recovery Fund: il punto sulle trattative

    Recovery Fund: il punto sulle trattative

    (credits: Governo.it) BRUXELLES – I negoziati tra i 27 capi di Stato e di governo riuniti a Bruxelles sono continuati per tutta la notte, ma non è stata raggiunta ancora un’intesa. Sono diversi i nodi da sciogliere. I lavori del Consiglio…

  • An unholy sect that enslaved women and children into slavery

    An unholy sect that enslaved women and children into slavery

    MILAN – Led by a 77-year-old, the adepts forced girls and girls to perform sexual practices. According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the sect had been operating between Lombardy and Piedmont for about 30…


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